What I can offer

Yogaminds offers many options to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into your school programme:


Sparking wonder and consciousness with mindful movement, songs, games, and more!

I will work with you to design and teach a programme based around your schools, values, inquiry topics, target group needs and school-wide activities. All lessons will include direct links to the Achievement Objectives in the NZ Health and Physical Education Curriculum as well as the underlying concepts of wellbeing, Hauora. Each lesson will be linked to a specific topic based on the needs of the group.

An example of what a programme might look like: 8 week block with 30 – 45minute lesson per group per week. Each lesson will be linked to a topic or theme. School values are great topics to explore through yoga and mindfulness.

A lesson will include:

Connection – discussion of topic
Yoga poses – through dance, use of props, partner and group work
Breathing and mindfulness

The programme will also include access to lesson plans and other resources that can be used in the classroom as follow up activities.